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Entering Match Results
Stop working so hard to track your matches! does it for you!
You decide who will record and approve the results of your matches: League Administrators, Referees, Home Team Coaches or Captains or Away Team Coaches or Captains.
places the match directly in that person's inbox when the match has occurred.
Delegating match entry to different people in your league ensures that no one person assumes the entire burden for tracking your league results.
The average time spent entering match results is less than 15 minutes.
Once the match is approved, standings, team and player statistics are automatically updated! There's nothing more to do!
You decide which statistics you'd like to collect in you matches by configuring your match scorecard.
You can enter player and team penalties, substitutions, and match notes or comments.
even creates a "play-by-play" section of your match tracker sheet to show siugnificant plays made by players during the games - like goals, penalties or corner kicks.
Your players will love it! Your coaches will find it an invaluable tool to track team results and motivate players! Parents love tracking their child's progress from year to year. | |